Hi. Does anyone in the list have experience programming a PIC to output MIDI over the serial port? I'm in the process of modifying an acoustic instrument to output MIDI and I have a few questinos. Please email me personally if possible. Thanks. Alex Ruthmann ************************************************************************** * * "Information is not knowledge, * * * Knowledge is not wisdom, * * Alex Ruthmann * Wisdom is not truth, * * sruthman@umich.edu * Truth is not beauty, * * http://www.umich.edu/~sruthman * Beauty is not love, * * * Love is not music and * * * Music is THE BEST." -Frank Zappa * ************************************************************************** * Horn Performance and Performing Arts Technology Majors * * Undergraduate Research Assistant in Frank Zappology and Schlepping * * University of Michigan-Ann Arbor -- School of Music * **************************************************************************