> For years now I have been mainly dealing with digital electronics, >however my knowledge of analog and rf technoligies is extremely lacking. I >was wondering if anybody out there knows links to sites on the net that are >perfect for a begginner in analog and RF electronics. Thanks in advance for >any info. TTYL I like the Linear Technology Application Handbooks, vols. I, II, and III. (You can download the app notes from www.linear-tech.com, or just have them send you the paper books.) The National Semiconductor Linear Applications Handbook is another must-have. Bob Pease's Troubleshooting Analog Circuits is good if you're going to be building anything analog, but it's not as useful as the Art of Electronics or the ARRL handbook as a learning reference. If you enjoy the Jim Williams app notes in the LT books, you'll like Analog Circuit Design: Art, Science, and Personalities. later, newell