> For years now I have been mainly dealing with digital electronics, >however my knowledge of analog and rf technoligies is extremely lacking. I >was wondering if anybody out there knows links to sites on the net that are >perfect for a begginner in analog and RF electronics. Thanks in advance for >any info. TTYL I'm sure others will saturate you with links, so I'll just give you a few of my favorite books, (the dog-eared ones). The Forrest Mims Engineer's Notebook by Forrest Mims HighText Publications, 1992 ISBN: 1-878707-03-5 Forrest Mims' Circuit Scrapbook by Forrest Mims Howard W. Sams & Co., 1987 ISBN: 0-672-22552-2 CMOS Cookbook by Don Lancaster Howard W. Sams & Co., 1988 ISBN: 0-672-22459-3 IC Op-Amp Cookbook, 3rd Edition by Walter G. Jung Howard W. Sams & Co., 1986 ISBN: 0-672-22453-4 Forrest Mims' stuff is good, so are Don Lancaster's Cookbook series, and I couldn't get by without Jung's book, but the best all around book on electronics that I know is: The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill Cambridge University Press, 1989 ISBN 0-521-37095-7 This book is encyclopedic and assumes no knowledge other than algebra for the most part. Good beginner's stuff, but _great_ stuff for folks who've been at this a while. Be sure it's the _second_ edition, which came out in '89. It has a companion "The Art of Electronics Student Lab Manual" (I believe that's the title), too. --BN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Country Robot "Modular robot components 69 S. Fremont Ave. # 2 for education and industry" Pittsburgh, PA 15202 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------