I got to use the most incredible scope today -- it's a tektronics hand-held digital scope. It's a 100 MHz scope, 500 MS/s, dual trace. It has a serial interface to a computer. It can generate *postscript* files of waveforms. It has a large suite of built-in math functions. It has a very wide range of programmable triggering options, including ones very useful for logic analysis. It also costs about $1900. Pierce Nichols "A book should be an axe for the frozen sea inside." -Franz Kafka --Begin Geek Code Block--|------Begin Goth Code Block------ v3.12 |v3.1 GAT[GCS,GS] d-@ s+: !a |GoCS2)$PS3$ TJtAn PGL B10Bk! c++@>$ u+>+++>$ P+>+ |CDbrp8S V6s M4 ZGoPuExgExtClMe L+>++ E+>+ W+ N++ !o K+ |C7ome a20 n5F b56 h180 g6T??95F/A W-- O- M- V-- PS+ PE+ Y+ |m1Ea@Z3? w6TA V3 r6EP p54565Rd PGP t+@ 5+ X++ R+[GURPS] |D37 h6 sM9P SsYy k6Z N??91OE [DARKSUN] !tv b++>+ D I+ |RfsS Lus9 !D G++ e>+++++ h r% y++ |-------End Goth Code Block------- ---End Geek Code Block---| ------------Begin Magick Code Block, v0.92------------ M[WITCH] S* W+ N+ P[CE][GR][OT]++ Dr a- C++ G !Q 666 Y ---------------End Magick Code Block------------------