just a few thoughts. ( i am reading the 12c50x specs and assuming things are the same for the other chips) 1. by loading H'00' into the OPTION register you have a sleep time of ~18ms. use the prescale to change this time to a longer value (1:128 = ~2.3 sec) (1:16 might be a good value to play with) 2. when the pic wakes up from sleeping it resets the program counter. that is why the inc 6,1 is never executed. i don't think you need any code after the sleep. michael -----Original Message----- From: Mark Birks To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Friday, December 05, 1997 12:26 PM Subject: PIC16C84 & SLEEP Mode >> LIST P=16C64 > ;WDT enabled > MOVLW 0 > TRIS 6 > OPTION >LOOP SLEEP > INCF 6,1 > GOTO LOOP > END >