I am also interested. I tried and got the same response. I figured that MicroChip had taken the lazy way and written MPLAB/PICStart code to be Win3.1/Win95 compliant but not WinNT. For now I have to go use our one-and-only Win95 PC whenever I want to program PICs (all our development PCs run NT). ---------- From: CCSystems Sent: Thursday, December 04, 1997 11:04 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Windows NT4 and PICStart Plus? Any ideas how to get this combo working or should I just forget it? I have the latest firmware and MPLAB 3.31 with the updated driver. I manually set up the serial port(s) like the readme says. I consistently get "Command (8D) not echoed properly (AB)" and then the program hangs requiring me to end the task. Andrew Gerald Custom Communications Systems *** This e-mail address is a 'facsimile receiver' as defined by Title 47 USC. Sending unsolicited commercial e-mail to this address is a violation of US Federal Law.