Hi All, I just picked up the melabs picbasic compiler, and to my dismay found that SERIN/SEROUT is implemented *only* on port B. In my app, I need SERIN/SEROUT on port A. I emailed melabs, and they claimed that users have successfully rewritten PBL.INC for port A SERIN/SEROUT. Anybody out there have such a PBL.INC, or know of someone who might? TIA, Craig ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ craign@uic.edu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Craig Niederberger MD FACS | Chief, Division of Andrology University of Illinois at Chicago | Director Urologic Basic Research Department of Urology M/C 958 | 312-996-2779 Fax: 312-996-1291 840 South Wood St, Chicago IL 60612 | http://godot.urol.uic.edu