881355443 You should see the BA6208 about halfway down the list for $1.37 or so.. Bob Blick wrote: > > At 07:32 PM 11/18/97 +0200, you wrote: > On-Topic: > > An update on the H-bridges: I found another ROHM distributor, who > overnighted me their motor driver databook. They make lots of nice chips, > most of them draw very little current at idle, unlike the L293 series that > have been so popular with robot builders and PICsters. > > I'll let the list know where and what I come up with. An H-bridge for $0.30 > that draws 400uA idle sounds good to me, they make them, I just need to > find a distributor who will sell in 1000 lots instead of 100000 lots. The > BA6208 is one of the cheaper ones, that does forward, reverse, and brake, > and has inhibiting circuitry to prevent "all-on" conditions. The inhibit is > nice while debugging your code :-) > > Cheers, > > Bob > >