In message <> PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU writes: > Mike Watson wrote: > > > I have taken on some work which requires me to modifiy some > > PIC code written in/with B.LO.C. > > .... > > Can someone tell me the correct way to invoke the BLOC compiler so > > that I can see the errors, also, details of how to get from the > > bloc code to a hex file that can be used to program the PIC. > > Mike: > > I can't help you directly, but I can give you contact information > for the company that wrote B.LO.C; maybe they can send you copies of > the manuals: > [address snipped] Thanks for this, Andy. I was going to persue this, but thought that the PICList would provide the required information faster - I'm going in to the company tomorrow and hoped to be sorted before I got there. Regards, Mike