>Hi, I have taken on some work which requires me to modifiy some PIC code written in/with B.LO.C. The original engineer has left the company and taken with him his knowledge of the project and (this is the problem) the B.LO.C manuals. >I am struggling to compile the code; I invoke the compiler with: bloc The compiler operates, lots of errors scroll up the screen and a message at the end says that there were x fatal errors - the code is probably bad. It doesn't, however produce a file with the errors detailed. >Can someone tell me the correct way to invoke the BLOC compiler so that I can see the errors, also, details of how to get from the bloc code to a hex file that can be used to program the PIC. >Thanks for your help, >Mike Watson Mike, if you want to try some other compiler, check out my LINK to dontronics For PIC info. like the free PIC'N PLACE software to see what is happing to the Reg. as a program run's. check out http://ic.mankato.mn.us/~douglas douglas@ic.mankato.mn.us