in the state there is also a monthly charge. the data does NOT get sent if you are not signed up. there is also another type that will send the caller id for a call waiting call. circuit cellar has had a few articles on caller id. michael -----Original Message----- From: Andre Lategan To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Friday, December 05, 1997 12:35 AM Subject: Re: FSK CALLER ID Receiver, Need help! >I am just curious about Caller ID. > >Telecom New Zealand recently introduced Caller ID. They are selling the Caller >ID attachment AND charging a monthly rental for connection to Caller ID. I >wonder if this isn't just a spoof and they are actually sending the Caller info >down everyones' telephone line anyway, whether or not you actually pay for it? > >Has anyone any knowledge of this? >