Paul BRITTON wrote: > I happen to think that what Jim did was a brilliant achievement, given > that Microchip were v. unforthcoming about interface protocols for the > 16B1, and I think it would be a shame for that effort to be unused in > future, I was trying to see if someone was willing to carry on Jim's > good work. (With his blessing, of course) > I don't know how many 16B1's were sold globally, but I have (2)! and > would like to prolong there usefulness a bit! Jim hasn't been tuned to the piclist for months, but I'll make sure he gets all messages in this thread. I know he has been wondering where to head with this. These messages may help him decide. Don McKenzie Don's Download Dungeon: Embedded Work-Ware DonTronics Logo Design Contest For more details, send a blank message to or or