OK, I tried to figure this out myself, but now I'm breaking down and invoking the powers of the PICLIST: I have a friend who wants to control a bunch of PIC devices on a network with his Mac. I'm going to help him if it kills him (me?). Being totally Mac illiterate, my crash course today taught me: 1. My PIC RS232 routines to RS485 through one of the many 8 pin drivers I've found: piece o' cake. 2. Some simple multidrop newtorking scheme: no problem. 3. Mac RS422 full duplex to PC-style RS232 full duplex: no problem. My understanding screeches to a halt there. The question: How would I connect the full-duplex Apple serial port to the multidrop network? Thanks in advance, Bruce Cannon Style Management Systems Remember: Electronics is changing your world...for good!