The first two sound a good idea. IMHO I really do not wish to see the PICLIST split up at all, in general though there are generally two types of discussion going on in the list. The first is talk of things explicitly about the PIC and tricks to with the firmware or hardware, the other is people asking about applications they have for the PIC, but the solution could in general be implemented on ANY processor if required. Also anyh programming tricks are very rarely peculiar to only one micrcontroller, lest face it in general the PIC is an accumulator based machine and you cant run away from it, and a large number of other uC are very similar .... there are exceptions to this when you get into the nitty gritty of the firmware/hardware so no flames please 8-). I would guess by the name 'PICSOURCES' this would be where people are asking about PIC specific things, including progarmming and harwdare interface kind of tricks. With 'PICAPPLICATION' being there to talk about generic kinds of applications. Although in theory spliting the PICLIST up to make an abstaract generalisation into classes of PICRESOURCES and PICAPPLICATION for you Object Orientated Design people out there, I believe that you loose the major advantage of the list if it is split, because if people do not subscribe to BOTH lists the lets say they are discusiing and application in the one list, but it could be clear to another person (reader) that the application could beneift from a particluar PIC specific programming/harwdare trick ..... this is 'the icing on the cake' as it were! Hence I propose that to get the best out of both of these, that we aggregate the two lists to form as class called 'PICLIST' and leave it alone, cos it isnt broke. kind regards, SW. ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: PICLIST: should it be splitted? Author: pic microcontroller discussion list at INTERNET Date: 02/12/97 18:15 Hi Chris (Chris Mayhew), in <> on Nov 18 you wrote: > PICSOURCES > PICAPPLICATION > > etc. What do you think? What about PICTRICKS?