Mike Keitz wrote: >Regardless of all this bickering about amplifiers, examine the big >picture to see if the application's (sonar ranger attached to robot) >performance will indeed be limited by amplifier noise. >Acoustic and electrical interference from the machine and environment >will likely be predominant sources of noise, even using a preamp of only >moderate performance. Hear! Hear! (...or is it, Here! Here! I can never remember...) Mike has hit the nail on the head! Following this thread has reminded me of the old saying: "A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee." My admittedly limited experience with the subject, as I stated in a previous post, was that the Murata transducers worked fine in detecting a binder to about 20 feet by hitting the Tx with some half-cycle pulses and detecting them with a simple AGC circuit. Of course, your mileage may vary... d;^) Michael