On Tue, 2 Dec 1997 11:25:49 EST5EDT, SHAWN ELLIS wrote: >Hi all, > >I wish to build a device that will turn on an appliance upon >recieving a burst from an IR universal remote control. The device >would have to recieve the burst from the remote, then turn on AC to >the appliance and vice-versa. > >I have seen the IR receiver modules in Digi-key and I'm not sure if >they are what I want for this project or not. > Yes, they are. > >What "carrier frequency" should I use? There is 32.7, 36, and 40 >Khz. Does it matter? Do some brands use different "carrier >frequencies"? > That depends on the brand and model of remote you set your universal device to emulate, But a 38-40Khz module works well with most. > >What comes out of the IR reciever? Serial data? or just a pulse >train directly derived from the IR remote's output? In other words, >how do I interface to it? > It is a pulse train that matches the one sent out by your remote. Basically all the module does is use a IR diode to pick up the IR from the remote, passes it through an active filter to minimize interference from ambiant light, then AM detects the carrier signal, producing a pulse train. > >Does anybody know the answers to these questions or where I can find >a resource that might describe IR remote technology in mor detail? > Microchip have a good app note on their web site that covers excatly what you are trying to do. I think it is # 637 or 645 or something like that. > >Thanks, > You're welcome. > >Shawn Ellis >sellis@rx.uga.edu > Martin R. Green elimar@NOSPAMbigfoot.com To reply, remove the NOSPAM from the return address. Stamp out SPAM everywhere!!!