At 08:30 PM 12/1/97 EST, you wrote: > To get a little more room on my machine, I moved MPLAB to a >network drive elsewhere in the shop, while keeping the project files on >my hard drive. My code, which assembled before, includes the include >statement below. The help files say this should work as a fully >qualified path. However, I keep getting errors that the file >c:\mplab\ could not be found. I note that my file originally >had the include as #include, but the current help file does not have the >#. It doesn't seem to make much difference whether it's there or not. > For fun, I tried commenting out the line and still got the same >error message. Is the assembler trying to find the include file based on >the list p=16c74a? How can I get this to look for include files on drive >J:? > >Thanks! > >Harold > > > > list p=16c74a ; Set processor to 16c74a > include ; Get 16C74 symbols > __config _cp_off & _hs_osc & _boden_on & _pwrte_on & >_wdt_on >; > Harold, I don't have any experience with embedded C compilers and this is a puzzling problem, but on DOS and windows C compilers, an include statement with <> symbols around the filename indicates to the preprocessor that the header file is to be found in the default include directory, whereas an include statement with "" allows one to specify an external path to a header file. It is also possible that the directive "list=" is the same as your include statement, since the compiler may actually use the header file as the sole means of differentiating between processors. Try using the include statement with quotes, and if that doesn't work, try commenting out the "list=" command and just leave the include statement with quotes. Good Luck, Sean +--------------------------------+ | Sean Breheny | | Amateur Radio Callsign: KA3YXM | | Electrical Engineering Student | +--------------------------------+ Web Page Under Construction!