Hi. I have the Phoenix Firmware for the PicStart. I think mine was a 16B1. I downloaded the Beta a long time ago, and got a friend to write a 17C42 or some such device with the code. Seems to work very well for me. I understand that they are selling a non-beta version now. It can program chips that don't fit in the 16B1' socket, but you have to make up an adapter for that. >From memory, I got mine from Newfound Electronics, try http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~newfound/ Or, you might be able to try http://www.dontronics.com I understand that Don McKenzie may have access to these as well....But he's probably Emailed you by now. Cheers - -----Original Message----- From: Thomas Adams To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Sunday, 30 November 1997 08:31 Subject: new firmware for PICSTART 16B1? >I have a PICSTART 16B1 and found some references about a firmware on >DejaNews with which you could program a lot of additional devices. >Unfortunately the supplier doesn't support the 16B1 anymore and now I >wonder where else I could get the firmware? >