Hi all,
I'm developing a project in wich a PIC 16F84 acquires pressure and flow parameters of a water pipe and then has to control, through a TRIAC, the power delivered to a water pump based on some calculations on the parameters acquired. The data acquired and the pump power level need to be transmitted via RF link and showed to a LCD display module based on another PIC that manages also a keyboard to allow some manual control over the whole stuff.
Well, here is the problem: I'm thinking to implement the logic with a "state machine" technique instead of making tons of SW logic; this solution allows to implement a sort of multitasking in which the several tasks like "data acquisition from sensors", "driving of the TRIAC", "trasmitting data to the display" and "receiving comands from the keyboard" could be managed all in parallel execution (not truly but enough close). The disadvantage of this approach is the EPROM memory area needed to store the state matrix: the total size is "number of inputs" x "number of states". So i decided to go with external 24LC... EEPROM to store the matrix but the problem is HOW TO PROGRAM IT ?
I know 24LC... is a I2C device, thus my PIC programmer nothing can do with it. Is there any brilliant solution for filling the data into the memory different from spending money for an expensive EEPROM programmer ?
Thanks in advance for your help.