At 11:44 AM 11/28/97 GMT, you wrote: >Hi, > >I have a need to operate 3 comm ports on my pc, so bought a >standard card that has FDD, HDD, game, LPT and 2 COMs. I disabled >the FDD, HDD and game ports and configured the com ports to >3 and 4 using jumpers on the board. > >Having installed the card, Win95 detected the new ports. All well >and good, but in use, com3 stops com1 working and com4 stops com2. > >It must (surely) be possible to configure the system so that I can >use at least three of the ports at the same time. > >Anyone help me out on this? > > >Thanks and regards, > > >Mike Watson You will probably find that com3 shares an IRQ (interrupt request) with com1 and com4 with com 2. This is fairly standard practice, so I don't see why windows can't handle it. (OK, so the word cr*p springs to mind.) You can check this in the Control Panel /system / ports/ COMn/ resources which shows the IRQ for each port. You may have to change the IRQs to aviod these conflicts. If the serial board won't allow you to configure it's interrupts, try your motherboard setup. (My ASUS one has a menu for this.) Hope this is some help. Keith Keith Dowsett "Constants aren't, variables won't" E-mail: Phone: +44-181-383-3723 Snail mail: MRC Cyclotron Unit, Hammersmith Hospital, London W12 0NN Fax: +44-181-383-2029