> Hi, > > I have a need to operate 3 comm ports on my pc, so bought a > standard card that has FDD, HDD, game, LPT and 2 COMs. I disabled > the FDD, HDD and game ports and configured the com ports to > 3 and 4 using jumpers on the board. > > Having installed the card, Win95 detected the new ports. All well > and good, but in use, com3 stops com1 working and com4 stops com2. > > It must (surely) be possible to configure the system so that I can > use at least three of the ports at the same time. > > Anyone help me out on this? > > > Thanks and regards, > > > Mike Watson > Hi there A PC's COMM ports 1 & 3 use interrupt 4 and 2 & 4 use interrupt 3, as a result, they interfere with eachother. I haven't tried this but perhaps you could hard wire any other two (open) interrupts on your new i/o. ie physically cut the IRQ 3 & 4 connectors on the card and solder them to the other two new (open) edge connectors. I've don this for other cards before (not comm). You'll need the pin-out's for the ISA slot for that, unfortunately I don't have one with me now. If this isn't too clear, e-mail me privately and I'll explain with more detail. Regards Jacques Vrey Iscor Steel Profile Products Internal Post Point 74 PO Box 2 Newcastle 2940 South Africa Tel: +27 (0)3431 48759 Fax: +27 (0)3431 48001 jvrey@it.new.iscorltd.co.za The views expressed above are not necessarily those of Iscor Limited.