Dwayne Reid wrote: > The following is a series of tiny routines for sending asynchronous > serial data. It is based upon ideas from both Mike Harrison and > Andy Warren and uses only 15 code spaces and 1 register. Dwayne: I think I've mentioned this before... My only contribution to Mike's code was the "GOTO $+1" which replaced Mike's "MOVF PC,F" (a dangerous way to do a two-cycle NOP). Since my contribution was so exceedingly minor compared to the work that Mike put into the rest of the routine, I feel kinda silly being given any credit for the code... So please feel free to attribute it solely to Mike in the future. Thanks. -Andy === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499