At 10:17 PM 11/19/97 -0800, Steve Buckser wrote: >I am building a system that utilizes 5 16C7XX PIC's that communicate (as >i2c slaves) to a single control computer which I would like to configure as >an i2c master. > >I would like to purchase a SBC which can drive an LCD display, interface to >a keypad, operate a printer, interface to 16 parallel i/o's, operate a >floppy drive, and drive 2 serial communication ports, as well as act as i2c >master. The control computer must be capable of doing a program memory >checksum (can't do with Microchip 17C4X parts). > >My preference would be to use a PC/104 SBC type board because I anticipate >future expanding needs that might be more easily accommodated with PC >compatible software. However, I have not been able to find a PC type SBC >with a hardware i2c interface. I would prefer to not use 2 i/o bits to >interface to the i2c as some SBC manufacturers have suggested because of >control computer performance degradation. > >Does anyone have any suggestions on possible sources (oh, did I also >mention priced at less than $300 in quantity 100) for such a SBC product, >even not PC compatible? > >TIA, > >Steve Buckser > Steve, Have a look at for the PC541 which starts at about US$300 for single units. Haven't used it, but it might be suitable. Regards, Ross McKenzie Melbourne Australia