Hi White LEDs are excellent but pricey. There are two types as I saw in maplin, one with six leads (two blue, one red and one green LED) which can be tuned to any colour and a two lead white one. They are pure white and work really well. Tim Kerby At 17:10 24/11/97 +0800, you wrote: >I noticed a comment in another thread about so-called 'white' LEDS, and >would like to contribute / ask for comments on experiences with these >beasts. > >Experience. (Kingbright RGB LED - 5mm clear and milky versions tested) > >As these are made from three separate LED die in a single epoxy 'LED' >casing, there are some side effects that are not exactly desirable.... The >most obvious is that the LEDs are only white when you are on a specific >vector near-axis. Moving away from this point the colour shifts towards >the three primary colours and their combinations. The actual usable white >cone off the observed axis is VERY small. > >The blue chip is excellent, and creates a very pleasant blue colour - which >is useful in itself to distinguish display states. > >The price becomes reasonable in very large quantities, but the colour >prismatic effect renders it useless as a white led. Imagine seeing a vivid >RED indicator from an angle - when it is really 'white' (r+g+b) or 'yellow' >(r+g) > >Over to you >MC > > ------------------------------------------------------------------ Personal Web Pages: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/members/tim.kerby/ Email: tim.kerby@ukonline.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------------