Andrew Mayo wrote: > > In order to reliably determine battery life, you really need to be able > to briefly switch a load across the battery which draws a predetermined > current and then measure the battery voltage. Battery manufacturers can > supply voltage/time curves for a given load, if you ask. This is exactly what we do to determine a 6 cell NiCd pack's state. I discharge it over a 47E resistor for 10s and measure the voltage under load. A few people have asked about good batteries to use lately. A very nice battery (but a bit expensive) is the Hawker (previously Gates) Cyclon 2V lead acid cells. They combine all the nice features of lead acids and NiCds. -- Friendly Regards Tjaart van der Walt _____________________________________________________________ | WASP International | | R&D Engineer : GSM peripheral services development | | Vehicle tracking | Telemetry systems | GSM data transfer | | Voice : +27-(0)11-622-8686 | Fax : +27-(0)11-622-8973 | | WGS-84 : 26010.52'S 28006.19'E | |_____________________________________________________________|