Cool - I have this picture ion my mind - hundreds of dollars of sophisticated electronics - hundreds of hours of late night development time (hundreds of gallons of coffee) then---- First test - the mower "brains" resets when it shouldn't mower turns left and shreds the stationary GPS. Make sure to send to Americas funniest home videos... Sorry But I had to... Syd -----Original Message----- From: Reginald Neale To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Wednesday, November 19, 1997 11:14 AM Subject: [OT] GPS/Lawnmowers >>if two gps receivers are used one stationary an one on the mower the mower's >>position can be calculated to within 1cm. you read both receiver at the >>same time an calculate the difference then apply this to the fixed and known >>location of the stationary receiver. >> > >Two identical receivers, even if they are close to each other, do not >necessarily lock on to exactly the same set of birds. AFAIK, to get >positions down to the cm level you need a special differential receiver to >transmit corrections to the "ordinary" receiver. > >For anyone who is interested, there is a newsgroup: sci.geo.satellite-nav > >Reg Neale