Hi All! I'm working now at one project, using C73, powered from Panasonic 3.6V 300mAH NiCd (from cordless phones) with MAX631 (3.6->5v convretor). The average current from the battery is 30 mA. I have LCD display and one free C73's ADC input, and I want to display the "Low Battary" symbols in 3 steps : full,middle, low. Now I connected ADC input to battary, and the problem is what values a must have as a limit to each step? Another problem - this project must be as cheaper as possible, so I need very very simple charger. What happens, is I use simple AC-powered 12v supply and connect it with then battery with (how?)mA current source ? --------------------- Alex Torres, altor@cook.kharkov.ua Kharkov,Ukraine --- GoldED 2.50.A0531+