Hello all I need to made a routine for to obtain the RMS Voltage of a signal, independently of a frecuency, but for to measure 50 or 60 Hz.(is for a signal of 220 V. en Europe, 110 V. in America). I use a 74 device, I haven't problems of memory, perhaps of RAM. I can to use a Vrms device of harware, but I think that to made a routine with the PIC, is the best form. Like the signal is in low frecuency, the with the time there are not problem, but if I made 100 measures, better that 50. Thank you in advantice. Santiago Mi–ano mailto:sma25@rcua.alcala.es mailto:tendataes@batch-pc.es Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Description: Tarjeta de Santiago Miqano Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" Attachment converted: wonderland:vcard.vcf 1 (TEXT/CSOm) (0000C203)