-----Original Message----- From: David BALDWIN To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Friday, November 21, 1997 11:03 Subject: RRF, BTFSC >-- > Sorry, > > I wasn't subscribed properly yesterday and didn't received any answer >to my question about > > rrf w > btfsc w > > It doesn't work! Any idea? If you are using the 16cxx(x) series, this doesn't work because you can only use those two instructions with file registers, w isn't one of those. I have heard though that the 17cxx can use w like this, I don't know. Best thing is to do it this way: ;temp is just some file register movwf temp rrf temp, f btfsc temp, bit_you_are_testing and then I guess if you want to move the result of the rrf, then movf temp, w. TTYL