P> Transmitter. P> Should be around 27MHz for legal reasons (no license rqd for low P> power). Range required no more that 10 meters. Absolute minimum parts, P> perhaps a simple colpits crystal osc? Need to be able to turn the P> transmitter On and Off via PIC port pin. What about this idea: \|/ +------ | 27.xxx MHz | Any 20MHz-rated PIC +---+--|[]|--+----O in | | | +--------|----O out | | | === === +------ | 10p | 10p +--------+--------GND You can turn oclillator off with SLEEP command and turn on with WDT. All PIC I/O are free for some additional functions, if necessary. 27 MHz is slightly around PIC specification, however in practice it will works without big problem with fundamental frequency quartz oscillators. P> Receiver. P> 27Mhz, 10meter - all I need is a carrier detection. Perhaps something P> similar to the old 'crystal' radio? (aerial coil, tuning cap, diode P> rectifier, low pass filter) followed by an op-amp comparitor. The P> output of this will be used to gate the ultrasonic sender. Better use some of the one-chip fixed-frequency integral receivers with quartz stabilization. Alexey Check http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Way/5807 for some PIC ideas --- GoldED/2 2.50+