On Tue, 18 Nov 1997, Eric van Es wrote: > What is 2x exactly? I assume it to be a positioning system of some sort? > (from lawnmower thread) The Vector 2X is a compass with a serial interface. I did a project a couple of years back that converted it into a NMEA 0183 magnetic heading sentence. Its pretty easy to interface to, I used the SPI on a Motorola 68HC705C8, so I don't know why you would need any glue chips between it and your micro. There was a product release on it in Circuit Cellar Ink a ways back, and I'm sure you can find it by using a search engine. Brian --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software & Electronics for Linux http://www.eskimo.com/~nexus I have my own domain for email now nexus@tatoosh.com Inside is a chilly 69.47 F and Outside is a chilly 43.66 F