That would be neat! But if the laser could also be moved between the center and the outside of the rotating garden, and each straw of grass is cut slightly different in length, the garden could be used to store data, like a CD player. Then the system wouldn't even need the IOmega drive but could use the garden itself as the program memory. (The mowing of the lawn would simply be a form of memory refresh). Glenn Sweden -----Original Message----- From: Sean Breheny [SMTP:shb7@CORNELL.EDU] Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 1997 10:56 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: Cut the grass with a stationary laser instead! You could also have a fixed laser which does not turn, and place the yard on a large turntable with a motor under it being controlled by an H-bridge which is attached to a PIC. This totally eliminates the burgaler problem because the burgalers couldn't get onto the spinning platform. Sean