Dear Sir, I'm looking for the technical support to solve my problem. I've just involved in using PIC to develop a product. I've just bought the PIC start plus dev. kit from Farnell (Malaysia). I'm failed for the first project and discover a very funny problem. I'm currently using P16c84 controller because it is eeprom base so that I could reprogrammed as many time as I like. I used the MPLAB for windows to compile and programmed the chip which come together with the package. I was building a simple control to monitor to output at portB and was running under 4MHz crystal. Before I programe the chip I tested using the simulator and it work. Then I choose the oscillator type to XT as I'm using crystal to provide the clock. To my dissappointment The work system just refused to work with all the LED of portB lit up constantly. While I'm trying to write a flicker LED output at portB with certain delay(no matter how long I put). But it really supprised me it work when I touch the crystal with my hand, bear in mind that I programed the chip with the oscillator option set to RC. I suppose the clock must be generated from the RC network from our body. If the oscillator option is set to XT it refused to work even if I touch the crystal. Maybe you must be thinking that, the flickering is too fast therefore I coldn't see the changes. But to prove that, I write another simple program to test it. This time I wrote a trigger input to change the output. It is a real simple programme and it still don't work. Therefore I'm writing this email to seek for help so that to get me through my first project in order for me to gain back my confident. I used to write assembly programme in the pass, therefore I do have experience with this low level language. Or if you have any simple programme for me to try out, please forward it to me. Beside this, I wonder if the MPLAB got any bug? This is my only last question asking to myself. Please help. I urgently required help from you or anybody who can advice me. Many thanks in advance. Sincerely Alvin Yow