Hello All, I am currently working on a IR Remote controlled light dimmer based on a 16c84. Right now I can switch the light completely on or off using the remote control (switching is done with a triac). The next step is to make the dimmer circuit so that the light intensity can be adjusted using + and - keys on the remote control. The plan is to let the PIC trigger the triac after an AC zero crossing. The time between the AC zero crossing and the triggering determines the light intensity. This is just like a standard triac based light dimmer. The problem is that I am fairly new to electronics and don't know how to sync the PIC to the AC frequency. Or in other words : Let the PIC know that an AC zero crossing occured. Maybe you guru's can help me. Perhaps (very likely) there is a simpler sollution to the problem. I would like to know your idea's Thanks in advance, Michel Polder