Rather than a long FAQ posted regularly, which apparently annoys people, why not have a brief message which lists key FAQ addresses. Perhaps the comments about people who can't find a FAQ may have some truth if you're a seasoned web user but may be a little unfair on newcomers. Regardless, no matter what people SHOULD do, if they don't do it, it is probably expedient for us to help them and ourselves simultaneously. -----Original Message----- From: Bob Lunn Subject: Re: FAQ. > Why doesn't someone write a FAQ and post it every > week or so. or post the address where the faq can be > found on the net if you really want to save bandwidth. Actually, this itself is one of those perennial questions. :) ........ There ARE very good pic FAQ's to be found. Andy Warren's is perhaps the best (surprise!), .... ..... Pic FAQ's are easy to find. If you haven't read an FAQ it's because: you're too lazy to look for it; to dumb to find it; or don't have web access. ....