> Hmmm, current disk price is $0.05 per meg and falling rapidly. > > 81 K of attachments is taking up "valuable space" worth $$0.00396 (US). Thats > right, 4 tenths of a cent. Significant? You decide. With a 14.4K modem, 71K of data will take over two minutes to transfer. Not a huge amount, but enough to be irksome; over long distance, that could easily cost $0.10 or more (e.g. calling from Monroe, WI to the nearest ISP in Madison, WI). Nothing to break the bank, but irksome nonetheless. For text-based lists, I generally avoid binaries if they're over 1K or so; other people have their 'mental limit' at about 60K/file. Unless the PicList supports options to allow subscribers to automatically reject binaries from postings, I think the smaller limit (perhaps stretching it to 2-4K) is better. Private e-mail, of course, is a whole different ballgame; I've sent and received multi-meg files via e-mail but only when requested.