At 10:01 AM 11/17/97 -0500, you wrote: >Hi, > I am about to venture into the world of pics for the first time. >I am a recent EE grad and would like to do some home projects to get >alot of analog and mixed signal design experience ( I am currently >working as a digital hardware engineer). I have started to gather >equipment.. like a soldering iron (which is a must) and multimeter. I >need to get a dual power supply (+/- 20V), maybe a AC source. I have >been thinking of getting a scope but as you know they aren't cheap. Have >any of you guys have been able to get along fine without one. I am also >trying to get a hook up on a logic analyzer( I know a little bit of a >luxury :). However back to that scope question? Can I do without it? > >Cary > John Adams ---------------------------- ----------- Check out the H.W.S Internet Guide to Electronics book as well. Links on my site.