> I thought he was asked to do it. How does that make him a moron? > > Can't you set your mail to refuse attachments? > > --Tom Rogers > > -----Original Message----- > From: Leon Heller > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Date: Sunday, November 16, 1997 6:14 PM > Subject: Re: SSU unit: Cheap Sonar, receiver > > > >Please *DO* *NOT* send binaries like this to newsgroups and mailing > >lists, you moron!!! > He is not a moron, he has just violated mailing list ettiquite. No, if you are coming over a slow line you cannot refuse an attachment until after you have downloaded it. What you see as an attachment is actually one mail message with several sections separated by a mime separator. Do not be fooled, if you pulled the raw mail message out what you would see would be several sections of text separated by an odd string all in the same file. Roger