On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, Rick Dickinson wrote: > Fellow PIC-Listers, > > Based on the feedback I have received, it seems that a design like the following > would make the most sense: > > Port A > ------ > 0 - Serial Data Out <-- Serial Data Out to the world. > 1 - Range Mode Out <-- Tells the Ranging Unit (RU) what mode to use. > 2 - Range Trigger Out <-- Triggers the RU when in one-shot mode. > 3 - Data Valid In <-- Input from RU signals that data is valid. > 4 - Serial Data In <-- Serial Data In from world. Using RA4 allows us > to use TMR0 rollover to detect start bit. Using these pin assignments is going to make life difficult for anyone who wants to implement a full speed multimaster I^2 C bus interface... But maybe few people want that? John Hallam, AI Dept, Edinburgh University.