Rick Dickinson wrote: > Currently, I see three sections: > - Analog circuitry (transducer drive and echo detection) > - Ranging Unit (PIC program to pulse transducer & time return of > pulse) > - Communications Unit (PIC program to handle serial comm/protocol) If, as I gather, the timing resolution is to be in the order of milliseconds, or hundreds of microseconds, might it not be appropriate to make the split between tasks at the point of timing; that is, one PIC generates the pulses, controls receive gain ramping, correlates the received signals and issues an "echo" pulse, while the other times the echo pulse and formats serial data. The latter chip in this scheme would be very negotiable; MANY users would choose to do their own timing. It would simplify inter-chip interfacing extremely; to two wires. Protocol would go like: 1) Co-ordinator waits till "receive" line is idle, asserts "send" line to start a cycle. 2) Ranging unit starts a send cycle and asserts RX line. 3) On receiving echo, it clears RX line so that the pulse length on this line is exactly the round trip time (with any corrections to make this the case being the responsibility or the Ranging unit). There are possibilities here for multiple echoes to be measured. 4) Clearing the TX line resets the Ranging unit. Note that if a further "ping" is requested before the Ranging unit is ready, it simply declines to assert the RX line until it actually IS ready and has started its "ping". AGC: You may be aware that gain ramping (the exact term eludes me at present) is an essential part of ultrasonic imaging, used perhaps most extensively in medicine. I suspect this is one of the design tricks of the Polaroid system. If you run at full gain to start, with or without clipping, you are really likely to be troubled by ringing of the transducer, mounting, etc. And if you DO use gain ramping, you can certainly consider a single transducer design. Most of the popular Doppler alarms seem to use rubber grommets to mount the transducers anyway, presumably isolation is one reason. Again, the main reason thy use two transducers is that the transmitter is continuous. There must be a wealth of design information in the marine depth sounder field. They mostly use single transducers too, and the 4:1 scaling factor makes them very comparable to the presently considered dimensions in air. There are analog ICs designed for this purpose. The idea of damping or active damping of the transducer is fascinating. I suspect the marine ones probably do this too. Cosine error: Probably not going to trouble anybody in practice. For close ranging you would have the transducers (all assuming you use two) close anyway. If you had to make corrections from a table and/ or interpolation for these distances, it shouldn't be difficult. I thought the "ringing"/ gain consideration was more important. Cheers, Paul B.