When I recently designed a battery operated product that uses an LCD display, I was interested in utilising a serial interface chip to avoid bogging my microcontroller down with all the extra code and I/O pins. However, I was disappointed to discover that the commercial LCD serial chips that I looked at were quite expensive and was not really intended for power saving battery applications because they were running at clock speeds of up to 20 MHZ which make them draw a lot of power. I also did not like the idea of dedicating the serial port of my 8051 design exclusively to driving the LCD display. What I needed was an inexpensive chip that runs at a relatively low clock speed, with a chip select (CS) line which will allow the LCD serial interface chip to enter sleep mode with a high impedance on its serial pins for most of the time, and for it to only wake up when I address the LCD display by pulling the CS line low. This has a double advantage of freeing my communications port the rest of the time when I don't need to update the LCD as well as bringing current consumption to an absolute low. So, I decided to make my own LCD serial interface based on a PIC16F84 chip running at 4MHz. It works like a charm! In fact, I was so pleased with it that I decided to try and market this to other design engineers. But instead of selling it as pre-programmed chips, I would provide them the option of burning their own chips. This is especially intended for manufacturers who want to use this chip as a production item in their products. But I also wanted to give designers the opportunity of trying the chip out before they buy, and to provide them with free engineering samples design with. Therefore I decided to market this product almost like a shareware program. It works as follows: A HEX file called DEMF84.HEX contains the shareware program which you can program into a PIC16F84 microcontroller to create your own LCD serial interface chip. This shareware chip contains all the features of the actual device, but there is a limit of 1 000 write actions that you can make to the LCD, before it enters into a mode prompting you on the display to register the program. This allows you to test the chip and even complete the development of your product with this chip before you spend any money to register it. Once you are happy that this chip proves usefull to you, you can register it by sending me the registration fee and I will provide you with a HEX file that will enable you to make as many Serial Interface chips for yourself as you want. Right now I need people to try out my serial LCD interface and report any bugs that they find. I've put together a prelimenary datasheet in PDF format and zipped it together with the DEMF84.HEX file. The whole zip file is 58K big. If you are interested, then please let me know by private email, and I will send it to you as an attachment. Or even if you are just interested, I would still like to know about it. Customization is possible. Rgds Werner http://users.iafrica.com/w/we/wernerte FOR SALE: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain. -- Werner Terreblanche http://users.iafrica.com/w/we/wernerte/index.htm wterreb@plessey.co.za (work) OR wernerte@iafrica.com (home) Plessey SA, PO Box 30451,Tokai 7966, Cape Town, South Africa or at home : Suite 251, PostNet X5061, Stellenbosch, 7599 Tel +27 21 7102251 Fax +27 21 7102886 Home +27 21 8872196 ------------------------------------------------------------