Robert Nansel wrote: > To anyone who was inconvenienced by my posting the GIFs of the > ultrasonic schematics: my apologies. I posted them because of the > large number of requests I received from other members of the list. Keep in mind, Robert, that there are over 1200 PICLIST subscribers. Even if you received a HUNDRED requests, that still means that over 90% of the list membership DIDN'T ask for your files. > Perhaps a more constructive way to respond to this issue would be to > define what is "too large" a file to attach (or if one should attach > files at all). One should NEVER attach files to PICLIST messages... People who receive the "digest" form of the list can't decode your attachments without going to a whole lot of trouble, and many of the others can't decode attachments even if they receive PICLIST messages one at a time. Also, many PICLIST members pay for their internet access by the byte... When you send them 81K of data that they don't want, you're costing them money. And... The PICLIST is archived on the web. If your attached files aren't filtered out by the archiving software, they take up valuable space there. Finally, it's inconsiderate to force the listserver to mail out 94 megabytes of your data (81K of images * 1200 subscribers), especially since the recipients are overwhelmingly NOT interested in it... The best way to distribute binary files is to put them up on a web page or ftp site somewhere, then just post a short message to the list which describes the files and their location. -Andy === Andrew Warren - === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California ===