J.Adams wrote: > > Scenix will have a better, faster product. Maybe it will scare Microchip into > advancing faster. ************************************ There is an article in the UK journal Electronics Weekly Nov. 5th 1997 about Microchip. It quotes Steve Sanghi (Arizona CEO) as saying "everybody likes fast peripherals". He is talking specifically about the new 16C1xx series. The article states that "this belief has led Microchip to an unusual clock strategy for the 16C1xx series. The 10MHz crystal oscillator feeds an on-chip 40MHz phase-locked loop (PPL). This drives the peripherals directly, and the core at 10MHz through a divide-by-four". The "divide-by-four" is used to get really clean waveforms in many processors. To quote the 16C84 Data Sheet: "The clock input (from OSC1) is internally divided by four to generate four non-overlapping quadrature clocks namely Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. Internally, the program counter (PC) is incremented every Q1, the instruction is fetched from the program memory and latched into the instruction register in Q4. The instruction is decoded and executed during the following Q1 through Q4." The proposed Microchip method does it without using a crystal of 4 times the instruction frequency (which would use more power). What worries me is that PPLs are tricky things to stabilise; I hope the Microchip method is "completely transparent to the user". Some may remember the 6502, which had a one microsecond instruction cycle when using a 1-MHz clock. It relied on nanosecond delays inside the chip to generate non-overlapping internal phi-1 and phi-2 clocks. It was highly sensitive to power-line interference, and the 4 MHz versions were worse. I hope the Scenix doesn't work like this. It should be much better, of course - this is 1997, and the 6502 is jurassic by comparison. When Rockwell made a 6502 with a divide-by-four system, everything was fine. The proposed Microchip strategy would be VERY interesting if they incorporate a feature that I haven't seen mentioned - that the PPL division ratio could be PROGRAMMABLE. This way, you could change the clock frequency (and therefore the power consumption) on the fly. For example, a 32768 Hz clock could be used, with a X400 division ratio, giving a clock of 3.2768 MHz for fast processing. For low-power use change the division ratio to X4 and the clock will then be 32768 KHz. And you can use special division ratios to get any frequency that is needed - for a specific baud-rate, for example. This could be done with a 16Cxx chip NOW. But it needs support chips (HC4046 PPL and some frequency dividers), and PIC-chips are supposed to be a 1-chip solution. If it were on-chip it would be practical. Mitsubishi still make various versions of the 6502. The 50734 was attractive - 32 I/O pins including complete Centronics printer I/P port, 5 timers, 4-channel 8-bit A/D, PWM O/P, UART with baud-rate generator, synchronous serial I/O, dual stepper-motor O/P, 11 interrupts (5 vectored), supports 128K RAM/ROM. And all in a 64-pin shrink-DIP... John Blackburn, South London UK.