Hi Gibson your proyect seem to be like my one
I want to do a led display with 8 displays of 5x7
elements to show some menssage when you press
the car break pedal, put the cross light to the left
or the rigth.
My first intent is use a 16C63 and muxtiplex 5 outputs
with shift registers to obtein 40 outputs.
I plan to use a serial EEPROM to the SPI port to
save the diferents screens, and the USART ports of
PIC to conect to RS-232 of a PC to download the
diferents screens of bitmaps( also i need to do a
WIN95 program with Delphi to to create and download
the screens).
This is my aprox. diagram for the display
Rb0 -->  |                                                                    |
RB1 -->  |                                                                    |
RB2 -->  |                                                                    |
RB3 -->  |             8    7x5 DISPLAYS                         |
RB4 -->  |                                                                    |
RB5 -->  |                                                                    |
RB6 -->  |                                                                    |

              |                                                                  |
                    40 OUTPUPS FRO SHIFT REGISTERS

> Subject: ADVICE ON PICs
> Date: Viernes 14 de Noviembre de 1997 12:35 PM
> For my final year degree project I am going to
> build an LED display matrix,capable of displaying
> moving messages. Some sort of Microprocessor
> system is needed to control the display matrix.
> Because of the multiplexing method that is going
> to be used to control the display,a fast PIC with
> the following facilities is required :-
> - plenty of I/O lines.
> - an A/D converter (as it's also going to be
>   connected to a temperature sensor).
> - Serial comms facilities to allow connection to
>   a PC via RS 232 serial port.
> - It must be capable of accessing external RAM as
>   this is where the binary patterns representing
>   the message will be stored.
> I would appreciate any recommendations on what
> type of PIC would be most suitable for this
> application.