At 11:14 AM 11/14/97 -0800, you wrote: >Rob Bristow wrote: >> >> Hi >> >> I am looking for a way to multiplex the port pins on the PIC16C73A. >> I currently require a further 5 input pins and further 8 output pins. >> This is after having used up most of the pins available on my micro. > >I posted a similar message last month, and got a number of useful >replies - to summarize the most popular ones: > >(1) using a shift register latch (e.g. 74HC595). >(2) addressable 8-bit latch (e.g. 74HC259). >(3) using a decoder (e.g. 74HC138) feeding multiple latches for output >(e.g. 74HC574) and tri-state buffers for input (e.g. 74HC541). >(4) using a decoder for 1-of-N outputs (e.g. 74HC154, 74HC138 or 4028). > >In the end I just used a 4028. However, there's one option that >I didn't consider at the time - adding another PIC. This would have >almost doubled the number of pins (need 2 pins each to communicate). >Some pros and cons: > >- PICs usually cost more than logic chips >+ You'll use double the number of PICs, so get volume breaks >+ No source problems (ha!) >+ Configuration is completely soft >+ You can swap PICs between circuits when prototyping >+ You get double the processing power; useful for me because I wanted >real-time audio playback _and_ an interrupt-driven clock. Hard to do >with just 1 16C84. >- Hard to debug 2 PICs simultaneously You can easily debug 2 PICs if you are using Picmasters. The software and hardware allow up to 4 Picmasters to run at the same time. This gets a bit expensive but in a bind it can be done. If you have a friend with a picmaster you can sometimes persuade them to help you out and you use your system and their picmaster to give you dual processor debug support. Larry G. Nelson Sr.