...On we go with the Patent lawsuit discussion. My thoughts open for roasting: And we wonder why technology does not advance faster? Scenix will have a better, faster product. This is the whole idea of invention. It is the basis of the computer industry. So what if they use principles that are now common knowledge. The point is THEY HAVE A BETTER PRODUCT! Maybe it will scare Microchip into advancing faster. We are the ones to gain in this. We will get faster chips and cheaper prices with competition. Don Lancaster has quite a section on his website about the trouble with the patent system if anyone is interested. Here is an interesting quote that applies... "A third is that the economic breakeven needed to recover patent costs is something between $12,000,000.00 and $40,000,000 in gross sales. It is ludicrously absurd to try and patent a million dollar idea." http://www.tinaja.com/patnt01.html Either way, Microchip is correct in sueing, yet stupid in doing so. Instead, they should spend that money in R&D to come out with a 50 MIPS processor! John Adams John Adams ------- http://pobox.com/~electronics --------- electronics@pobox.com Check out the H.W.S Internet Guide to Electronics book as well. Links on my site