Hi all I'm new at making programs for the PIC* processors. And now i have some trouble, I'm using a 16c84. I have made a very simple program, that just flashes with two led's, sometimes it works (and both led's flash), but mostly it's only one of them flashes, or nothing at all happens! Is there any logical explanation of this behaviour? I'm using a xtal of 3.579545Mhz, 33pf to ground on each side of the xtal, and 100k from MCLR to VDD. The program i'm using is as follows: start bsf STATUS,RP0 clrf PORTB movlw 00H movwf TRISB ; Set port b as outputs bsf TRISB,7 ; set pin rb7 as input bcf OPTION_REG,7 ; make internal pull-up on portb; l001 call Delay bsf PORTB,3 ; set portb pins high bcf PORTB,2 call Delay bcf PORTB,3 bsf PORTB,2 goto l001 Delay movlw 0x01 Delay1 movwf cou1 Del1 Delay2 movlw 0xff movwf cou2 Del2 Delay3 movlw 0xff movwf cou3 Del3 decfsz cou3 goto Del3 decfsz cou2 goto Del2 decfsz cou1 goto Del1 Return Is there anything wrong with this? Greetings Thomas