On Thu, 13 Nov 1997 22:48:25 -0500 "The Jacky's" writes: >Stabilant is great but very expensive. A good old trick to prevent >oxidation is a light coat of WD-40 or equivalent. Just dampen a rag >and >swab the edge connector. Granted it doesn't last forever but it is >effective against corrosion and I never noticed a degradation in >circuit >performance...gj Any sort of light oily stuff will do. The product called "TV Tuner Cleaner" works on any sort of contact, is only moderately expensive rather than ridiculously expensive, and carries a lot less hype than Stabilant. It may be getting scarce due to environmental laws and the fact that most TV tuners have no contacts that require cleaning anymore. Tuner cleaner is a solvent (in the good ol' days, it was trichloroethylene), and a little silicone oil in an aerosol can. Spray it on liberally, work the connection back and forth a few times, and contact should be much better than it was. It's also good for potentiometers that have developed noisy intermittent contact.