Paul Britton wrote: >I thought Intels 8751 used I/O pins for programming internal code memory >and also they have an 'encryption array' to prevent code being read out... >maybe Intel licenced this from Microchip, I don't know, does anyone else? 1. Intel's "encryption array" is 64 bytes which are negated and XORed with the data coming out: Data Out = Data[ Address ] ^ ( !Encrypt[ Address & 0x03F ]) Each address has a corresponding XOR value in the 64 Byte (6 address bit) encryption array. When the Intel part is erased, the negated encryption array is all 0FFh which means that Data Out = Data[ Address ] ^ ( !Encrypt[ Address & 0x03F ]) = Data[ Address ] ^ ( !0x0FF ) = Data[ Address ] ^ 0x000 = Data[ Address ] Or no encryption takes place. This is why Intel specifies that no data areas should be left as 0x0FF (or even a "fill" value) if the encryption feature is used, because the encryption value can be worked out from it. Data Out = Data[ Address ] ^ ( !Encrypt[ Address & 0x03F ]) = 0x0FF ^ ( !Encrypt[ Address & 0x03F ]) Knowing that inverting a value is the same as XORing with 0x0FF: = 0x0FF ^ ( 0x0FF ^ Encrypt[ Address & 0x03F ]) = 0x0FF ^ 0x0FF ^ Encrypt[ Address & 0x03F ] = 0 ^ Encrypt[ Address & 0x03F ] = Encrypt[ Address & 0x03F ] Microchip's Code Protection/encrypting algorithm (as I understand it) is: Data Out = Data[ Address - 1 ] ^ Data[ Address ] ^ Data[ Address +1 ] which works completely differently. 2. The 8051's control store is 8 bits wide and can be read/written directly from/to the device in parallel whereas the PIC's is 12, 14 or 16 bits and being able to shovel in 12 or 14 bits into devices that don't have enough I/O pins to do it in parallel is what the patent's all about. >Just asking......Paul No problem - it gives me a chance to repeat some stuff I just learned. :) myke Check out "Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller" at: