sajjad.akhtar wrote: > No its not a bug anyway. Your statment > void (*f)() = x; > does two things 1. declares a function pinter and then assing it the > value of x. > As x is not a funcition point rather an char pointer so it is type > promoted. Irrelevant, how we get the instructions to the CPU doesn't matter. > And this method has some uses in pc enviornment i think it > can have some uses in the PIC enviorment too. as in the PIC your > strings are stored in the code area. > > anyway its not a bug. Nobody is saying it is a C bug. It is a pentium bug. If I can run a set of instructions that lock up a multiuser system then there is a bug. If it is something that cannot be caught by any OS, and affects only Pentium chips, it is a bug in the CPU. Userland is not supposed to be able to lock up the machine. If I wrote it in assembly the same thing would happen. It is a major bug. Roger